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Commemorative plates
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plates
Royal Copenhagen
Click on an image to view a large photo, a detailed description and price.
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1892
The Golden wedding of King Christian IX and ...
975.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1895
Womans Exhibition
2,900.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Carlsberg plate from 1895-1898
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1896
The wedding of Princess Louise and Prince ...
975.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1896
The wedding of Prince Carl and Princess Maud ...
975.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1896
Industrial exhibition in Malmo, Sweden
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate
Stockholm 1897
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1897
Order of Odd Fellow for its hospital on Iceland
875.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1897
Art- and Industrial art exhibition Stockholm
775.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1897
The wedding og Princess Ingeborg and Prince ...
975.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1897
Womans Building in Copenhagen
750.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1897
Bull in landscape
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1898
The wedding of Prince Christand and Duchess ...
975.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1898
The 35th jubilee as King for King Christian IX
475.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1898
Teilman plate 1873-1898
775.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1898
50th anniversary of the war in 1848
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1899
The Students of 1874 25th. jubilee 1874-1899
4,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1899
The battle of Fredericia July 6th. 1849-1899
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1899
Masonic Insignia
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1899
Odd Fellow
775.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Town plate Assens from 1899-1902
1,500.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate from 1900
World Exhibition Paris
575.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1901
100 years of the battle of "Reden".
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1902
English Coronation of King Edward VII and ...
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1903
25th Jubilee of Order of Odd Fellows
1,500.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1903
The eriction of Copenhagen City Hall
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1903
The City Hall of Gentofte Kommune
1,800.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1904
Dansk Telegraf 50 years
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1904
Danish Teetotaller's Association 25th anniversery
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1904
Copenhagen Towers and birds
1,200.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1905
Nursing Sister in front of Diakonisestifltelsen
1,500.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1905
Horsens Farm Exhibition
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1905
Gefion plowing with bulls
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate Hans Christan Andersen 1805-1905
950.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Silhouet plate from 1906
King Christian IX 1818-1906
2,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1906
The accesion to the trone of King Frederik VIII
1,800.- DKK
Furnivals commemorative plate from 1906
King Christian IX 1863-1906
300.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1906
Memorial plate for King Christian IX
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1906
475.- DKK
Rare and large Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1906
Viborg Cathedral
2,900.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1907
Henrik Ibsen
675.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1907
The Royal Ship "Dannebrog" on Iceland
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1907
The Virgin Island's Church Fund
1,200.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1907
Red Cross 30th jubilee - The Good Samaritan
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
commemorative plate from 1907
Queen Louise's day nursery in the Danish ...
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
commemorative plate from 1907
Queen Louise's day nursery in the Danish ...
2,900.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1907
Henrik Ibsen
575.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1907'
Aarhus Cathedral
600.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1907
The restoration of Viborg Cathedral
600.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate
Koldinghus 750th jubilee
600.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1908
Danish Expedition to Greenlands Northeastern ...
1,800.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1908
100th. years anniversary for the fire at ...
975.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1908
Ribe Cathedral
575.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1908
Freemason Lodge St. Clemens Aarhus
1,400.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1908
1,400.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1909
50th jubilee of the Copenhagen Zoo
1,200.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1909
Freemason Lodge De Fire Roser Aarhus
4,000.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1909
Klitgaard Soro
575.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1909
Herlufsholm Boarding School
575.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1909
Aarhus city
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1909
Princess Marie
975.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1910
Copenhagen Journalist Union
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1910
German Child Welfare Plate
1,400.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1911
200th. jubilee of the Danish postal service ...
800.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1911
English Coronation of King George V and Queen ...
575.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1911
Racing Boats in front of Middelgrundsfortet
2,000.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1911
The Association of Commercial Travellers
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1917
The 70th. birthday of Emperor Dagmar of Russia
975.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1912
1,500.- DKK
Small Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1912
Fiskeri og motorudstilling K�benhavn
3,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1912
2,500.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1912
Commemorating King Frederik VIII 1906-1912
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1912
Danish Women's Association for the Defence of ...
475.- DKK per item
Aluminia commemorative plate from 1912
Gardehusarregimentet 1792-1912
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate, Tivoli 70 years jubilee in 1913
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1913
Danish Tourist Association
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1914
The battle at Helgoland 1864-1914
475.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1914
Three Kings of Scandinavia
675.- DKK per item
R�rstrand Plate
The meeting of three Kings in Malm� 1914
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1914
Dybbol Mill 1864-1914
475.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1914
50th anniversary the battle at Dybbol Mill
475.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl
Poet plate Vift stolt paa Codans b�lge
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate
Hans J�rgensen & Co Eftf. Vin En Gros
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1915
Saint George and the dragon
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1915
San Fransisco California
1,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1916
Danish Arm School at Frederiksberg Castle ...
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1917
25th jubilee of the 15th. Battalion in the ...
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1917
Defense Regiment 1867-1917
875.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1917
Red Cross Nurse
1,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1917
Odd Fellow
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate from 1917
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1918
25th jubilee of the 1st. Battalion in the 1st. ...
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1918
Korporationen af bev�rtere i K�benhavn og omegn
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1918
Odd Fellow - 40th. anniversary of the first ...
575.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1918
Frederikshavn 1818-1918
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1918
The 50th. Jubilee of the city Esbjerg
975.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1918
Forplejningskorpset 1868-1918 Frederiksholms ...
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1918
100th anniversary of the birth of King ...
1,200.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Odd Fellow Plate from 1918, Moses rescued on the Nile by pharaoh's daughter
575.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate from 1918, The mercantile museum of Kronborg
475.- DKK
LARGE Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1919
Southern Jutlan Won 33 cm.
2,000.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1919
Southern Jutlan Won
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1919
Northern Slesvig
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1919
Peace plate
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate from 1919 - Ledet er i lave
575.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1919
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1919
Old Mason
950.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1920
King Christian X 50 years birthday
575.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1920
50th birthday of King Christian X
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1920
Aarhus Firebrigade
1,200.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1920
The memorial of fallen volunteers in the wars ...
575.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1920
The Association of old Soldiers - ...
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1920
Studenterforenigen 1820-1920
475.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1920
Association of old soldiers
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1920
Memorial for volunteers 1848 - 1849 - 1850 - 1864
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative Plate from 1921
Hans Egede arrives in Greenland
700.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1921
The wedding of Prinsesse Margrethe and Prince ...
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1921
The Silver Wedding of Norwegian King Haakon ...
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1921
70th. birthday of Dowager Queen Louise
675.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1921
Hans Egede Greenland
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1922
Freemason Iceland
4,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1922
Frederiksberg Borgerforening 1882-1922
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1922
Betlehem Childrens Home
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1922
Ludvig Holberg - The 200th anniversary of the ...
975.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1922
Den Danske Skueplads 200 years
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1922
Iceland Odd Fellow
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
"Lysglimt" commemorative plate from 1922
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1923
The Silver Wedding of King Christian and ...
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1923
Princess Helenas Childrens Home
475.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1923
The Silver Wedding og King Christian X ...
850.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1923
Marselisborg Castle
450.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1924
Order of Odd Fellow - Friendship
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1924
75th anniversary of the battle of Fredericia ...
675.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1924
675.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1926
Skive 1326-1926
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1926
400th. jubilee of the city Elsinore
700.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1926
The Frigate Jylland
675.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1926
Ansgar 826-1926
575.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen plate from 1926
Hjorring 1876-1926
750.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1926
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1926
Royal Danish Automobile Union
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate from 1926
750.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1927
Grata Memoria
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1927
Freemason Lodge Copenhagen
1,250.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1928
J. P. Schmidt Tobacco Factory jubilee
575.- DKK
Rare Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1928
3,500.- DKK
Small Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1929
Kronborg 1779-1929
475.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1930
10th anniversary of the reunion of Northern ...
975.- DKK
Small Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1938
150th. year of Abolition
750.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate
200.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1962
2,000.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen
Square sign Prince Henrik from 1966
250.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen
Square sign Prince Henrik from 1966
250.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1967
50th. jubilee of the sale of the West Indies ...
475.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen
Square sign with Princess Margrethe and Prince Henrik
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1969
Valdemar plate with the Danish flag
150.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen plate
K�benhavns Cathedral
300.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate
Rebild Nationalpark
250.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate
The Moon Landing 1969
100.- DKK per item
Large Bing & Gr�ndahl plate
Tuborg Formandsforening
1,200.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1970
The Reunion of Northern Slesvig 1920-1970
200.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1970
The Liberation of Denmark May 4th. 1945-1970
100.- DKK per item
Bing & Gr�ndahl plate
Tuborg Man Thirst
200.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen plate
Kronborg Castle Helsing�r
300.- DKK
Bing & Gr�ndahl plate
200.- DKK
Bing & Gr�ndahl plate
Nyboder Copenhagen
300.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate
300.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate
Stork nest
300.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate
Aarhus Domkirke
300.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1971
Hans Egede Gertrud Rask Greenland
150.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen plate from 1971
Stor Magleby Holland Amager
250.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1972
King Frederik IX 1947-1972
200.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen Olympic Plate
M�nich 1972
75.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Olympic Plate
M�nich 1972
50.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1973
Renholdingsselskabet 1898-1973
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate
Den Kongelige Veterin�r Skole 1773-1973
250.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1974
Danish Postal Service 1624-1974
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate from 1974
St. Magleby Drag�r
250.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1974
Greenland Trande
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1975
Danmarks Radio 50 years
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1975
Royal Copenhagen 200th. jubilee 1775-1975
50.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen plate
Greenland K'AK' ORTOK' 1775-1975
375.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1975
Danish Resistance 1940-1945
1,500.- DKK
Bing & Gr�ndahl Olympic Plate
Montreal 1976
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1976
Sailer Mission - Nyhavn
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1976
Red Cross 200th jubilee
200.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1976
USA Bicentenary 1776-1976 July 4th.
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate
USA Bicentury 1776-1976
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Olympic Plate
Innsbruck 1976
175.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Olympic Plate
Montreal 1976
175.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1922
The Bicentennial plate USA 1776-1976
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1976
Somandsmissionen i K�benhavn
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1977
Hans Christian Orsted 1777-1977
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate from 1977 -Nordisk Good Templar Raad
250.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1978
Copenhagen Zoo with zebras
375.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl commemorative plate from 1978
The jubilee of the Bing & Grondahl factory
125.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1978
Sct. Laurentius Roeskilde
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate
Hawaii 1778-1978
175.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate from 1979
Adam �ehlenschl�ger 1779-1979
150.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate
Danish Actor Association from 1879 - 100 years
300.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1979
Greenland Knud Rasmussen
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate
Copenhagen Zoo with tigers
300.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1980
Dansk Pelsdyravlerforening 1930-1980
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1980
Queen Margrethe and Queen Ingrid
375.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1980
Amagertorv - The Royal Copenhagen Flagship Store
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Olympic Plate
Moscow 1980
Bing & Grondahl Olympic Plate
Moscow 1980
175.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate
Pantomime Theater in Tivoli Gardens
175.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen plate from 1983
Odd Fellow St. George Guilds
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative plate from 1987
Salvation Army 1887-1987
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl Commemorative plate from 1987
The union of the two ...
300.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Olympic Plate
Seoul 1988
375.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate from 1990
Queen Margrethe50th birthday
600.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Commemorative plate, Tivoli 150 years jubilee in 1993
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate from 1994
Dansk Broder Orden 100 �r - 29/1-1994
575.- DKK
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Antik K
Knabrostr�de 13,
DK - 1210 K�benhavn K.
+45 2972 2028