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- Knabrost�de 13, 1210 K�benhavn K
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With gold edge
With gold edge
Click on an image to view a large photo, a detailed description and price.
Seagull with gold edge
Small bowl
575.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Small triangular tray
275.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Small octagonal dish
100.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Small demitasse cup #108B
50.- DKK per set
Seagull with gold
Coffee cup #102 or #305
50.- DKK per set
Seagull with gold and pierced border
Coffee cup
175.- DKK per set
Seagull with gold
Tea cup #108
250.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Side plate 15.5 cm. #28A
30.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Large side plate with pierced border 17.5 cm.
200.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Salad plate 19 cm. #27
125.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Luncheon plates 21.8 cm. #26
125.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Dinner plate with pierced border 24.4 cm. #325.5
375.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Dinner plates 24.2 cm. #25
150.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Small soup plate #23 21 cm.
125.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Large soup plate 24.7 cm. "22
135.- DKK per item
Napkin ring
375.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Small beaker
75.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Pepper shaker
125.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Salt shaker
125.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Napkin holder
750.- DKK
Seagull witt gold edge
575.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
200.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Small tray
50.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
875.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
475.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Small dish / glass tray
50.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
300.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Candle light holder
575.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
250.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Rare vase
975.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Small creamer
200.- DKK
Seagull Thick Porcelain with gold edge
Creamer 10.5 cm.
700.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
200.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Milk pitcher 14.5 cm.
400.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Coffee pot - old version
250.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Large milk pitcher
900.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Coffee pot
200.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Gravy boat
275.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Mustard jar
250.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Small sugar bowl
275.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Sugar bowl
200.- DKK
Seagull Thick Porcelain with gold edge
Small bowl 6.5 cm.
675.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Square dish
150.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Small dish for plet de menage
350.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Candy bowl on feet with dolphins
750.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Small dish
300.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Bowl on stand
275.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Bowl with wavy edge
400.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Round bowl
300.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Small tray
300.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Dish with sea horse in the middle
750.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Small square bowl for potatoes
475.- DKK
Seaugull with gold edge
Square bowl 22 cm.
450.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
200.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Oblong bowl
475.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Bowl on stand
300.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Cake dish
200.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
175.- DKK per item
Seagull with gold edge
Large square bowl 25 cm.
375.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
250.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Cake dish
200.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Large round platter 32 cm.
375.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Large oblong platter for selleri
750.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Small platter 25 cm. #18
175.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Platter 33 cm. #16
275.- DKK
Seagull with gold edge
Large platter 41 cm. #15
375.- DKK
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F�lg os:
Antik K
Knabrostr�de 13,
DK - 1210 K�benhavn K.
+45 2972 2028