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- Knabrost�de 13, 1210 K�benhavn K
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Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Click on an image to view a large photo, a detailed description and price.
Blue Flower Angular
Rare, square bowl from 1898-1923
Blue Flower
Small candle light holder
275.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Large oblong tray 37 cm.
1,200.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Large soup tureen
975.- DKK
Blue Flower
Bottle opener
575.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Miniature espresso cup #8519
275.- DKK per set
Blue Flower Angular
Demitasse cups #8562
100.- DKK per set
Blue Flower Angular
Coffee cup #8608
100.- DKK per set
Blue Flower Angular
Side plate 15.5 cm.
50.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Luncheon plate 22 cm. #8550
275.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Dinner plate 25 cm. #8549
400.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Small soup plate 21 cm. #8547
225.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Soup plate 25 cm. #8546
250.- DKK per item
Blue Flower
Salt shaker
300.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Small beaker
175.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Beaker / small vase
200.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Pepper shaker
250.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Pepper shaker "P"
250.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Salt shaker "S"
250.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Small tray
50.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Rar small tray 10.3 cm.
275.- DKK per item
Blue Flower
Candle light holder
200.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Rinsing bowl
300.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Candle light holder
475.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Tray for wine bottle 13 cm.
375.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Braided
Heater for a teapot
1,400.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
975.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Small creamer
375.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
250.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Milk pitcher 16 cm.
600.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Rare, small coffee pot
675.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Milk pitcher
800.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Tea pot
975.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Coffee pot
275.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Large lidded chocolate pitcher from 1928-1935
975.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Gravyboat with handle
700.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Gravy boat
475.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Lidded mustard jar
400.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Lidded bowl for butter with underplate
750.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Lidded sugar bowl
200.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Lidded bowl
800.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Small round bowl 8.7 cm.
475.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Round cake bowl
300.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Round bowl 18.5 cm.
750.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Bowl on stand from 1923-1928
475.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Large cake bowl
475.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Bowl on stand
400.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Rare small tray 23.5 cm.
800.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Oval serving bowl
475.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Oval dish
450.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Angular
Large cake bowl on stand
500.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Rare, round bowl for fruit with pierced border
3,800.- DKK
Ble Flower Angular
Large round dish
375.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Tray or platter
375.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Large round platter 33 cm.
500.- DKK
1Blue Flower Angular
Platter 25 cm. #8605
250.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Oval platter 36.5 cm. #8539
600.- DKK
Blue Flower Angular
Large platter 41 cm. #8540
800.- DKK
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Antik K
Knabrostr�de 13,
DK - 1210 K�benhavn K.
+45 2972 2028